I started “Bad Day All Day!” because of the alarming lack of off-season training and conditioning programs for Defensive Backs. In fact, there is no noticeable “footprint” accessible on the internet. If your son needed training to improve his skill set as a DB there were no opportunities to explore. If there are any training programs in existence I couldn’t find them. So I started my own program and library.

Please note that some of the articles posted have been written by others which I have collected over the years and I take no attribution for their work. I thank them for contributing to the evolution and improvement of the game.

Have a Bad Day All Day!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Look Familiar???

Why do your coaches put you through the same drills everyday, day after day? This is a reasonable question. I have a theory about this and it also blends nicely into other areas of my life. I call it the “Unknown, Routine and Innate” theory.

When we are introduced to a concept, theory or DRILL it is unknown to us and quite foreign. You might even find it daunting or this new challenge may do just that, challenge you and your skill-set.

Soon you find the original fears you may have experienced were all for naught and maybe even holding you back because the new drill or life episode becomes more of a routine. Routines are generally basic, rudimentary processes we endure daily and do not offer the challenge we humans so desire for our lives to become fulfilling. Some would say however that it is the true, real man who can endure the routine, everyday and mundane aspects of life with a smile and aplomb.

Once we have found a new venture to be routine we enter into a newer phase and that is where all of the learned behaviors become second nature and almost innate in practice. Where once we found the back, drive, back, fly and speed turn drill to be challenging we now find it less of a challenge.

By the way, coaches know this and when it becomes second nature you can react, at game speed to anything a receiver might throw at you come game time.

By the way…everyone does their own routine, humdrum, boring set of drills. Here is LSU’s drill package:

Have a Bad Day All Day!!!

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