I started “Bad Day All Day!” because of the alarming lack of off-season training and conditioning programs for Defensive Backs. In fact, there is no noticeable “footprint” accessible on the internet. If your son needed training to improve his skill set as a DB there were no opportunities to explore. If there are any training programs in existence I couldn’t find them. So I started my own program and library.

Please note that some of the articles posted have been written by others which I have collected over the years and I take no attribution for their work. I thank them for contributing to the evolution and improvement of the game.

Have a Bad Day All Day!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Defensive Back Essentials

Good pass defense is a team responsibility and sound Secondary play is an integral part of that success. Defensive Backs will have the most impact on pass defense while in coverage downfield. An aggressive Secondary is important in stopping the run game. You must execute run force, contain and run/pass responsibilities. Every good Defensive player is an excellent tackler. You must be an excellent tackler. Ankle Divers need not apply!

Reading Receivers and Routes is Easy

Increasing your defensive back I.Q. by reading receivers--studying them before games, reading their alignment, and knowing how to recognize the routes they're going to run--is another tool you can use to dominate opposing teams. Film work is crucial for Friday night success!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Receiver and Running Back Routes

The more you know what they run the better you are at stopping what they run!

Playing the Fade Route in Press Coverage

As cornerbacks we often have to play press or bump coverage and we immediately think “Fade” route. Before we even get this far in our processing let’s think like a receiver. To beat your opponent you have to first think like your opponent. When they line up across from you what are they thinking, seeing or preparing for at the snap of the ball?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Man to Man Coverage Tips

It sure is easy playing man to man isn't it? Nobody to help you on your little island of fun and frolic and all of the fame or blame rest on your shoulders. I hope you can handle it because that’s where you are and it is what you have chosen to do. Here are some Man to man reminders:

Darryl Williams

Studying Film Properly Can Pay Huge Dividends

In the NFL, everybody is the best of the best.  What separates the best from the average players are the intangibles. One of the most important intangibles is being smarter than your opponent.  I believe that the best way to accomplish this is to learn the basics of effective football film study.

Here are some things to look out for when studying film.

Man Coverage Reminders

Here is a detailed look at what happens on the field when you play man. This is a breakdown of the key techniques and tips required to play man-to-man coverage:

DB Habits and Philosophy

Habits… We become what we repeatedly do. To perform like a champion…you must prepare and practice like one!! Football is a game of preparation and execution. In order to execute on the field you must prepare properly. 

Assorted DB Drills

And the Drills keep coming! I know that over the years keeping your DBs happy during EDD period can be taxing. Throw in a new drill every now and then and watch them perk up. Also, install a corner blitz package when on the hash and watch them explode! Drills after the jump.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Whole Bunch of Drills!

I have compiled a mini-library of DB Drills that I glommed off of the internet. These are in addition to my own favorites which I posted earlier:

Pass Defense Route Concepts

Predicting routes through extensive film study and opponent down and distance tendencies allow the Defensive Back the luxury of taking risks where appropriate. With each risk taken is also the possibility of failure. Know when to gamble and when to play dependable coverage. The first step in responsible risk taking (a contradiction in terms if there ever was one) is the recognition of the possible pass routes that can be run in any situation. For example, if the ball is on the opposite hash and #1 to the field is spread wide to the boundary the likelihood of an “out” route is negligible. You must know your opponent’s route combinations and favorite schemes. Start with the basics:

I Love Press and Bail

I love Press Coverage and if it were up to me I would press every play. Receiver’s hate it since they traditionally hate contact and QBs hate it because they read man coverage or 2 Press and then their timing is all messed up waiting for a receiver to get open. The internal clock is ticking away and they throw early or spot throw through their impatience. After the jump I have some details on why I love this scheme:

Field Tendencies

Thinking ahead and observing down, distance and your opponents play calling based on field position is an integral part of playing Defensive Back. Here is a chart indicating play calling likelihood based on field position:

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Nasty Nine

Here is a set of drills that I have used on numerous occasions…The Nasty Nine!

Master Drill Breakdown

Whenever I start any training session I like to see what I have to work with. Do I have experienced ballers or a smattering of Newbies and those still growing into their athletic frames. For me, it all begins with good feet. i am a stickler with good feet. I also like athletes with little or minimal wasted motion. That being said, as coaches we coach em' all up and not just the starters! Everyone has things to work on and improve at. I like to review each player's stance and move on from there. Here is my drill program:

My Coaching Philosophy

If you don’t invest very much, losing won’t hurt too much and winning won’t be very exciting”

Many people want to know if I coach like I outwardly appear to be which is assertive, aggressive, energetic and effusive. Many times I have been called a straight shooter. Some act like that is a bad character trait. I feel it is better to deliver honest news and clear and concise assessments rather than wishy-washy blather meant to assuage an individual’s self esteem. For being myself, I have often been castigated. That’s fine with me. I have big shoulders and can take it. When given the opportunity I would rather “go through the door than run around the barn”. In other words, I am a direct and pointedly exact individual. I am unique in the respect that I find very few shades of grey in my life and the way I carry out that life. I suffer fools poorly. This all dovetails back to my coaching philosophy.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

First Post

Hello and thank you for visiting what I hope will be a long running venture complete with detailed information for those Defensive Backs and DB coaches wishing there was one site from which to glom information. I have a lot of my own writings interspersed among those of others and to be completely honest, I don't know for certain whose is what’s and what is whose so I simply piled it all together into one giant database for all to glean from. 

I hope you enjoy having a one stop shop to gather your Defensive back needs.
