I started “Bad Day All Day!” because of the alarming lack of off-season training and conditioning programs for Defensive Backs. In fact, there is no noticeable “footprint” accessible on the internet. If your son needed training to improve his skill set as a DB there were no opportunities to explore. If there are any training programs in existence I couldn’t find them. So I started my own program and library.

Please note that some of the articles posted have been written by others which I have collected over the years and I take no attribution for their work. I thank them for contributing to the evolution and improvement of the game.

Have a Bad Day All Day!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Are You Evolving or Collecting Dust?

There is an old saying that goes something like this: “Never look back because someone may be gaining on you.” Originally intended as a metaphor for long distance runners, it has taken on a duality of meaning. Today, as in years long past, it refers quite handsomely to those that are after you, your job, your scholarship, your livelihood. Rust never sleeps and neither should you!

Ever since my boys were old enough to comprehend basic English I have always told them that there is always going to be someone bigger, stronger, faster or smarter. Your job is to outwork them. How you proceed in life is all about effort and it is through effort where you will enjoy the ultimate in outcomes.

How will you evolve? How will you adapt to the times that constantly change? Heck, ten years ago we were all still using dial-up internet services. Things move pretty fast and you must be versatile, smart and driven. The same applies to football and what you need to be successful in this arena. Today’s High School coverage packages are more sophisticated than when I played at UCLA in the late 70’s and they are continuing to evolve.

I know that as young men in a crazy, mixed-up, topsy-turvy world there are a bunch of distractions. There were in my day as well and I also deal with some of those same distractions today. It is okay to pray for outcomes of glory and success but without work those prayers are certain to go unheeded. It is okay to pray to God but remember to row to shore. In other words…God rewards those that put forth the effort. Evolve into who you want to be!

Have a Bad Day All Day!!!

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