I started “Bad Day All Day!” because of the alarming lack of off-season training and conditioning programs for Defensive Backs. In fact, there is no noticeable “footprint” accessible on the internet. If your son needed training to improve his skill set as a DB there were no opportunities to explore. If there are any training programs in existence I couldn’t find them. So I started my own program and library.

Please note that some of the articles posted have been written by others which I have collected over the years and I take no attribution for their work. I thank them for contributing to the evolution and improvement of the game.

Have a Bad Day All Day!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Receiver and Running Back Routes

The more you know what they run the better you are at stopping what they run!

Receiver and Tight End routes

1-Step Slant—One step vertically and break at 45° angle; look for ball right away vs. blitz and split LBs
3-Step Out—Two vertical steps and then plant your third step at 45° angle and round out to sideline; don’t drift
3-Step Slant—Three steps vertically and break at 45° angle
Arrow—Aim to sideline at 4 yards from LOS; look over outside shoulder on 3rd step
Backside (BS) Post—Run at 45° angle and break vertical on 4th step, then break to post on 5th step
Bubble—Kick back with outside leg, crossover, and then out run the defense to the sideline
Comeback—Push vertical as if you are running a fade; break at 14 yards back down stem to 12 yards at the sideline
Corner—Push vertical attacking outside leverage of the defender and break to corner at 8 yards; aiming point is 22 yards at the boundary
DigInside: Push vertical attacking inside leverage and break at 90° angle at 12 yards looking for window vs. zone and running vs. man; Outside: Push vertical attacking inside leverage and break to post at 8 yds., on 4th step break at 90° angle looking for window
Drag—Run across formation getting to 6 yards depth at the deepest; may find window depending on play
Fade—Push vertical to break down defender’s cushion; run by on outside and get back on top of defender; fade to where the QB throws the ball
Go—Push vertical to break down defender’s cushion; run by on outside and get back on top of defender
Hitch—Attack the DB’s inside leverage; plant at 6 yards and come back to the QB
Hook—Push vertical attacking inside leverage; break to the Post at 8 yards and then back to the QB at 12 yards back to 10 yards
K—(Shake conversion vs. Cover 2 hard corner) Run at 45° angle and break vertical on 4th step, break to corner on 5th step flattening to sideline at 15-18 yards
Out—Push vertical attacking outside leverage and break at 6 yards getting back to 5 yards
Overdrag—Run across formation going over the LBs and working to 18 yards at the sideline
Post—Push vertical attacking inside leverage and break to post at 8 yards; keep skinny
Seam Read—Get vertical going over the LB or $ if possible and then under the Safety; if there is one safety high you may sit over the ball at 12 yards.
Shake—Push vertical attacking outside leverage; break to post at 8 yards for 3 steps and break again to corner
Slant—Three steps vertical attacking inside leverage; stick break with outside foot and break at 45° angle
Squat—Squeeze down your alignment, run to spot at 6 yards depth and in towards ball 5 yards
Wheel—Begin route like 3-step Out; once you look over your outside shoulder take two more steps and then turn up the sideline
Whip—Give appearance of backside blocking or slant route, plant, and break directly toward sideline at 4-6 yards depth
Zero—Three choppy steps and then right back to LOS; don’t drift in to ball

Running Back Routes

Flare—Bucket step to get some depth, crossover and sprint; on fifth step look back to QB and this will bring you back to LOS naturally; make sure to get width
Flat—Aiming point is 1 yard outside EMOL; gain ground to 3 yards and then break to sideline
Angle—Begin just like Flat route; when you turn to sideline sink hips and pivot back inside; run at 45° angle
Hash—Begin just like Flat route; when you turn to sideline get vertical up the hash; if there is a safety on the hash you may bend inside the safety
Wheel—Begin just like flat route; turn to sideline and on 5th step wheel vertically up the sideline

Have a Bad Day All Day!!!

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